It’s Electric: Scoot around town

0.7 min readBy Published On: October 18th, 2018Categories: News2 Comments on It’s Electric: Scoot around town

Looks like another mode of transportation could be on the horizon for the neighborhood!  Elecrric dockless scooters could be added to the list, along with Blue Bikes and the MBTA to get you to where you need to go!

The City Council held a hearing Monday about bringing dockless electric scooters to our neighborhoods!  Despite the Bird debacle of last summer, City Council Matt O’Malley from West Roxbury has proposed a pilot program for the scooters for the spring.  Boston along with Cambridge, Brookline and Somerville will be working with the state senate to help with revising state laws that remove these electric scooters from the gas-powered scooter and Vespa category. 

O’Malley believes the electric scooters will help get cars off of the road and be better for the environment too. 

What do you think? 

Image via Bird Instagram


  1. Ed October 18, 2018 at 12:01 pm - Reply

    The whole notion of ‘a scooter being available will get cars off the road’ is complete nonsense. (That’s what they said about Blue Bikes and adding Bike racks across the city too….do you feel like there are less cars?) This is simply a statement made by a politician to score points with his base of support who are largely folks who are environmentally focused (resisting the urge to say tree-huggers) – the actual impact will be a net negative for the City–they will be wreaking havoc on the sidewalks even if they make it illegal (see jay walking, crossing against signal) and cause delays for motorized traffic and make it ALOT less safe for pedestrians. Boston does not need this.

  2. Oldtimesouthie October 18, 2018 at 12:16 pm - Reply

    Right on, ED

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