Hearing for 2% alcohol tax in Boston

0.7 min readBy Published On: September 23rd, 2015Categories: News0 Comments on Hearing for 2% alcohol tax in Boston

Thursday, September 24th at 11am

Boston City Council President Bill Linehan and Councilor Frank Baker have filed a home rule petition to fund addiction recovery efforts through a 2% tax on all alcohol sold in the City of Boston. The tax is designed to generate more than $20 million specifically for pathways to recovery with the hope of leading to an increase in the effectiveness of long-term treatment. The hearing will address the operations of the Office of Recovery and how the resources from this tax could be used. 

They will also be addressing the research on taxing alcohol, public health, and the effects on businesses in the City of Boston and on the consumer. 

This hearing will take place on Thursday, September 24th at 11 am at Boston City Hall – Iannella Chamber, 5th floor