Great neighbors doing amazing things!

0.7 min readBy Published On: September 9th, 2014Categories: News0 Comments on Great neighbors doing amazing things!

Last week, Mass Bay Credit Union and the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston Grant Program awarded a total of $2000 to Michael Dowling, Artistic Director and Founder of  Medicine Wheel Productions in South Boston. 

In photo: Michael Dowling of Medicine Wheel and John Thomas CEO of Mass Bay Credit Union.

The work of Michael and Medicine Wheel helps strengthen the fabric of our neighborhood and beyond.  They are using art as a threshold for inclusion, helping employ young people in the creative sector and using art as a tool to build community.  It’s making South Boston a better place and we are grateful to have such great neighbors like Mass Bay Credit Union and Medicine Wheel Productions.

For more information on Medicine Wheel Productions visit:

For more information on Mass Bay Credit Union visit: