Gate of Heaven School – Will Stay School For Now

0.9 min readBy Published On: June 10th, 2016Categories: News1 Comment on Gate of Heaven School – Will Stay School For Now

Well, it looks like the developer who once wanted to covert the Gate of Heaven School on East Fourth Street has given up the fight with the neighborhood organization Kids Before Condos.

According to a post on Facebook, the developer will not be renewing his Purchase and Sale Agreement for the school.  

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Oranmore Enterprises wanted to build 26 units with 40 parking spots at the home of the former neighborhood school.  The Boston Archdiocese closed the school in 2008 and has been vacant since then.

The neighborhood seems to be divided on this project.  Kids Before Condos – led by Gate of Heaven Neighborhood Association President Kevin Lally – wanted the school to stay a school with the hopes of a charter school occupying the building. Another group of abutters did not like the idea of a charter school and were in support of the developer’s proposal sighting it was a better fit for the neighborhood.

So we shall see, Southie!  Who knows?  Maybe it will be a drive-thru Starbucks?

One Comment

  1. Eric Kozlowski June 11, 2016 at 5:37 pm - Reply

    They better turn Gate of Heaven into a Dog School because there aren’t enough kids to fill it.
    More high end condo equals more taxes. Mayor Walsh can use more revenue for his work force housing initiatives. We live in Judge Garrity’s South Boston,. It’s 2016 & families with school aged kids are headed to suburbia while suburban educated young adult are buying condos here.
    Facts are stubborn things. Wake up & smell the Starbucks. Oh, wait a minute we killed that too?

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