Gate of Heaven School – Off the Market
Looks like the Gate of Heaven School will stay exactly that for now. According to a post on social media from Kids Before Condos organizer – Kevin Lally – the Archdiocese of Boston will NOT be putting the school or the adjoining property on the market for sale. Instead, the parish hopes to find a suitable tenant to lease the property for a period of years.
As to what kind of business or tenant will occupy the former school, it is unclear. This plan will allow the parish of Gate of Heaven to retain ownership of the property and use the income from the property to pay off debt from the Gate of Heaven Church. The church and grounds received some renovations a few years back and the parish is currently paying interest on a $1.8 million loan from the Archdiocese.
Over the next few months, the Archdiocese and a real estate broker will be looking for a future tenant and welcome proposed plans/ideas for the property for viable lease opportunity.
So there you have it. There is no mention whether the building will need to undergo renovations etc. Because in reality, the only type of business that could go in an old school building would be a school, right?
What type of business or tenant do you think should lease the building?
I hope a school goes in there so that the neighbors who opposed the condo development can choke on the diesel fumes spewing out from the buses. The kids will come from every neighborhood in the city with the exception of Southie, cause lets face it, there are no kids left in the neighborhood.
Could they rent out more parking? I know they currently do it but when I called to inquire a few years ago I was told the waiting list was very long and since the building was for sale it wasn’t worth me adding my name to the wait list. I’m hoping that’s the reason I wasn’t added to the list and not because I don’t belong to that parish. (I also heard a rumor they reserve the list for parishioners only which is completely illegal…) I would happily pay $200/month to park there!
low income family housing!!!
I used to live across the street. The school is a safety hazard with people breaking in constantly. When it was a school, the street was constantly congested and full of cars. What should it be — a school? A condo? An urgent care facility across from another senior facility? Frankly a parking garage would be more useful. But at this point, anything is better than an empty building that endangers the area around it.
Maybe a methadone clinic to take some of the pressure off of the Mass. Ave/ Melnea Cass area.
Perhaps the colleges and universities in Boston with education departments will step up to the plate and development a lab school. Win, win, win, win for the kids, student teachers, neighborhood, and universities.
Elderly Housing or an assisted living facility
hi the apt should be low incoming .for people who live in South Boston because I have live in south Boston my hole life . the apt in South Boston very high with the rent every. plus they wait first month and second month for rent. and no section 8 at all. because if you are paying high rent second 8 paying for rent that is not fair at all when is listing going to available ? thank you Maureen picard