Excel High School Parking

1.6 min readBy Published On: January 4th, 2016Categories: News0 Comments on Excel High School Parking

Watch where you park, Southie! 

There seems to be some confusion with parking at Excel High School these days.  CIS has received numerous emails and tweets regarding cars being towed from the lot. Boston public schools in the neighborhood like Excel, the Perry, and the Tynan extend the courtesy to the neighborhood to allow residents to park in the lots in the evening and weekends.  Basically you can park during non-school hours.  But things seems to have changed and cars have been towed. 

According to social media, if you park in the “headmaster” designated spot, visitor 24/7 spots or the fire lanes you will be towed.  Makes sense right?  But some residents are claiming they have been towed from regular “legal” spots.  The tow company is Robert’s Towing and it will cost you $160 to get your car out of hock – so watch where you park if you are using the Excel High School lot.  

Excel High School closed the lot a few weeks back to paint lines in the lot to create some organization.  Evidently, cars where parking anywhere they could fit and the lot was becoming congested and a public safety issue.  Boston Public Schools will be back in session on Tuesday, January 5th.  Watch where you park. 

Memory lane:
Last summer, two South Boston residents proposed a resident parking pilot program at Excel High School (South Boston High).  The proposed program would allow for 60 parking spots be made available for $100 month for evening and weekend hours.  The spaces would have be raffled off in an annual lottery.  A community meeting was held and the issue received much criticism – you an read about it here: https://caughtinsouthie.com/feature/excel-high-parking-spot-meeting-recap  The pilot program has not been approved.