Excel High School Parking Spot Meeting

2.4 min readBy Published On: September 14th, 2015Categories: News0 Comments on Excel High School Parking Spot Meeting

Tuesday, September 15th

Remember the shit storm that erupted when a few Southie residents posted flyers in the Dorchester Heights neighborhood back in July about selling spots at Southie High?  The group was proposing a resident parking pilot program at Excel High School (South Boston High). This program would allow for 60 parking spots be made available for $100 month for evening and weekend hours.  The spaces would be basically raffled off in an annual lottery.  Currently, the Boston public schools in the neighborhood like the Perry, the Tynan and Excel High School extend the courtesy to the neighborhood to allow residents to park in the lots in the evening and weekends.  Basically you can park during non-school hours.  So why on earth would someone pay a public school to park there?  

Well, you can find out Tuesday, September 15th at 7pm at a community meeting (This meeting is a reschedule from August).  See agenda below (The Dorchester Heights Association run a tight ship!)  Here are our thoughts on the matter: https://caughtinsouthie.com/news-politics/selling-parking-spots-excel-high-school

From the Dorchester Heights Association:
Meeting Agenda for 9/15/15, 7-8pm, at Excel High School
Please Note: At this time, there is NO parking proposal under consideration. All interested parties are currently working with a clean slate and are actively working towards resolution of the parking situation with a 12/1/15 deadline (before this winter begins).

The purpose for this meeting is to start an open dialogue between the Community and the School in determining what the parking policy will be at the high school. This meeting will inform the Community about Overnight Parking at the High School and gather community input for shaping that policy. 
Please listen to the speakers present their information and listen to signed-up individuals offer their input/suggestions. Be respectful and courteous to everyone. 
Since time just doesn’t allow for a question/answer period, and the fact that we don’t have a proposal to consider anyway, please plan to attend the next DHA Meeting, on 10/20, where we’ll hopefully have more clearly thought out options to present to the Community and your questions will be answered. 

7-7:05pm (5 minutes): Chris Soule – Dorchester Heights Association, President & Meeting Facilitator

Level Set Expectations. Present Dorchester Heights Association’s Board’s Proposal on Parking Privileges at the High School

7:05-7:10 (5 minutes): Sam Depina and Kim Rice  – Boston Public School 

Present position of Boston Public School on Parking Privileges at the High School 

7:10-7:15 (5 minutes): Stephanie Sibley – Excel High School, Head Master

Present the current challenges to the existing parking structure 

7:15-7:45 (30 minutes): Community Input

(20 people) – Strictly enforced 90 second timeslots to present thoughts on this topic

7:45-7:50 (5 minutes)

Chris Soule – Dorchester Heights Association & Meeting Facilitator

Wrap up. Summary of key take away’s, to do’s, next steps.