Does 311 work?
We’ve all experienced it. You’re walking home the 4 or 5 blocks from your car to your home when you see out of state plate after out of state plate parked in resident spots. It frustrating to say the least.
One extremely ticked off resident, took to the 311 app on Friday night and opened up more than seven tickets for out of state plates in resident spots in the neighborhood of L and M Streets and East Fourth Street. That was just out of state plates. We’d have to image there were other non-residents parked illegally.
Here’s one of the seven 311 reports:
And other neighbors are frustrated too:
Resident Permit Only tickets are $40. So therefore the City of Boston would be cleaning up if they patrolled and ticketed the neighborhood. But guess what? They didn’t. According to the 311 app – they informed the person who opened the tickets that “We have no one in South Boston till 6pm on Saturday. They (BTD) will be given this complaint.”
The resident went on to ask ”Did you have no one last night in City Point either?” They also went on to say “Why have resident only parking it’s not being enforced?” They also threatened to tell CIS – which they did.
So we have to agree. Why have resident only parking if it’s not being enforced? So our question to the Boston Transportation Department is, “Why aren’t you patrolling the neighborhoods more often?” South Boston is in the midst of a parking crisis and when parking scofflaws go un-ticketed, it’s adding insult to injury.
Could you please help us out? Because really, what is the point of the 311 app if it’s not working properly.
Resident parking on my street at least, Old Harbor St., is only from Monday at 6 pm until Friday at 10 am, so if the signs say the same on E. Fourth, and this person took these pictures on Friday night, these cars weren’t parked illegally.
I’ve made a number of complains walking down W 3rd to work. The number of vehicles I see that do not have a Southie sticker is ridiculous. The complaints are literally never answered because by the time they check them these people are technically legally parked until 6PM.
West 1st -3rd between A &C are filled with vehicles of people working at the Channel Center and Seaport becuase 99% of the time they get away with parking there so it’s worth the risk and saving $18 a day to park in one ofthe lots or garages.
All they need
Resident parking is 7 days a week east of L St.
it should be seven days in all of south boston
311 is a joke. I have open cases reported for over 60 days. 3 weeks to get a veteran square sign replaced. The city came and picked up the sign but it has not been replaced. 9 days and counting report of graffiti on playground equipment at Moakley Park. 3 weeks and counting to get a street light repaired. City Hall talks a good game. But they sure don’t produce the results.
Everyone wants to complain about cars in resident spots and wants BTD out in “full force” but I’ve seen a countless number of residents that get a ticket for double parking on Broadway or side streets that just yell and scream at the ticket person. So if the residents want BTD out there then they have to deal with the fact that you as a resident had a chance of getting a ticket as well and suck it up and admit your wrong. Resident of South Boston or not, if you are not parked where or how you are suppose to be then you get a ticket. Its not the beat of both worlds, just because you are a resident does not mean you can double park outside of your house for hours. And L street to Farragut road is resident every night , not all of south Boston which I don’t think some residents seem to understand.
Just keep in mind that some of these cars could be rentals. I have had a few issues with my car (that has a resident sticker) and had to get a long term rental (under 30 days) more than once – which I got a rental permit through the city each time. There’s nothing showing on the car that I’m a resident and that I have the right to park so people have yelled at me for parking in residents parking with it and tried to get it ticketed. I don’t think people should be so hostile or jump to conclusions every time they see a non stickered vehicle parked in residents because you never know. I also sometimes had a hard time getting the rental permit on the car as soon as I got the rental and I assure you I was ticketed every time until the permit went through.
Why is South Boston divided…how about west of L st. 24/7
When I called, I was told that they only have someone checking resident stickers in one section of the city at a time. In other words, tonight they might be checking Charlestown, tomorrow night East Boston and Wednesday night they MIGHT be in South Boston. I guess that’s why we see a whole bunch of tickets on the same day and none all the other days.