DCR Recreational Advisory – Castle Island/Fort Independence

See the following advisory re: improvements/repairs happening now at Fort Independence. The repairs will be ongoing through September.


  1. Rob August 4, 2023 at 9:36 pm - Reply

    Elected Officials: How about replacing the rotted, rusted, decayed railing around the fort on the left hand side. A “temporary” fense has been there for over 8 years. A kid died falling off the fort wall.
    It’s a safety hazard and I’ve called DCR 10 times. Nothing ever gets addressed.

  2. Mike Thomas August 5, 2023 at 1:13 pm - Reply

    A diagram of the fenced off area would be helpful.
    Would access to the fishing pier be affected ?
    Can pedestrians walk around the castle from Sully’s to sugar bowl ?
    Your input is appreciated.

  3. Rob August 6, 2023 at 11:02 am - Reply

    Mike Thomas – I can gladly send you a diagram and pictures. What is the best way to contact you?
    Basically it is the entire stretch of metal railing that starts from the fish pier and left. A “temporary” barricade has been up for over 8 years to cover up the fence that has completely disintergrated. It is obvious as you walk from teh left hand side of the fort enterance.
    Thank you!

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