Councilors Flaherty & Flynn To Hold SB Waterfront Transit Plan Hearing Fri. Nov. 30th

BOSTON – Boston City Councilor At-Large Michael F. Flaherty and Boston City Councilor Ed Flynn will hold a hearing at the City Council this Friday, November 30th at 10am regarding the South Boston Seaport Transit Strategic Plan. The Councilors seek to obtain current status updates and timelines for the project. In addition, they will discuss what opportunities for community input will be afforded to South Boston residents, in particular South Boston’s Fort Point and South Boston’s Waterfront neighborhoods.

  Flaherty said“Given that significant funding and resources have been put into the South Boston Waterfront Sustainable Transportation Plan, this hearing is an opportunity for us to hear from stakeholders and to have a conversation about the work that is being done to meet rapidly changing transportation needs of our neighborhood. Specifically, we would like to address conflict points among pedestrians, motorists and cyclists and explore forward thinking transportation solutions for the area.” 
 “With unprecedented commercial and residential growth at the South Boston Waterfront, the area in no way resembles its appearance even five or ten years ago. We’re thankful for growth in our city, but with this substantial development comes additional vehicles, congestion and public safety concerns for our pedestrians, motorists and cyclists,” said Flynns. ” We need to see what the community process looks like for our neighbors in Fort Point and the South Boston Waterfront so that they can weigh in with their concerns, get an update of where things stand currently and see what the timeline for the project will be.”

All hearings are in the Iannella Chamber in City Hall and can also be live streamed here. Public is encouraged to offer testimony.

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