Councilors Flaherty and Flynn release a statement about new smoke shop in Southie

After receiving numerous messages voicing concern about the new smoke shop opening up on East Broadway, City Councilors Michael Flaherty and Ed Flynn release a statement. 

See  below:




  1. Not so New to The Hood November 19, 2018 at 11:01 am - Reply

    What a joke. Such a double standard in this PC world we supposedly live in. If you want a community meeting for a smoke shop, then you’re going to need a community meeting for a nail salon, laundromat, restaurant, convenience store, etc.

    Imagine the outrage if there had to a be community meeting for say….something like K & 8th market? A family business trying to make the community better?

    Just classic Southie being classic Southie.

  2. Archie November 19, 2018 at 1:26 pm - Reply

    Alcohol and tobacco sold all over the place, families ruined because of alcohol. I would rather this business over a bar any day.

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