BPD wants you to be responsible citizens on St. Patrick’s Day
Here is a public service announcemnt from the Boston police department – South Boston station C6.
It includes tips like how to recoginize when your party is “going bad”, emergency contact information, legal issues including “keeper of a disorderly house – party house” and “open container law”. So take note, Southie – you’ve been warned and the BPD will be out in full force this weekend – so behave. Don’t act like a jabroni!
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How about the situations in which residents find their homes being urinated upon by random parade goers?
My family gets together on this day every year and do not have alcohol within our home whatsoever and every year we have people wandering up the gated alleyway beside our house urinating, in full view of our dining room windows and the small children in our family. What can we do to combat this, beyond bringing out the hose from the backyard, or stationing someone at the gate and making them miss my mother’s corned beef dinner? If we were to call the police it is likely that 1. The urinater will be gone by the time the cops get there, and 2. That we’d have to call them several times over the course of an hour. I know other families in southie have to conted with this issue. Can someone help us out?
We live on the parade route and have the same problem, so we use a few tie wraps to secure the handle to the gate in order to keep the “urinators” out. It’s too bad the police don’t catch them in the act because it’s considered indecent exposure.
Might I suggest you post a sign that states “Hi! You’re being videotaped, so just wanted to let you know in advance we might be “seeing” you on Facebook and Tumbler! Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!”
Why not just lock your gate for the day to prevent drunk people from wondering on your property. This will allow the poice to deal with more important matters.
Help yourself.
lock your gate, problem solved.
As I just replied to someone else, we do not have a lock on the gate. It is a shared alleyway between our home and our neighbors home…and the urinators are not guests of hers either.
AND after all that…We got a lock for the gate and people STILL decided to climb over our gate and pee in our yard.
I have the same problem, and not just on Parade day. We have a shared alley with a fence up the middle, and a gate on either side. neighbor doesn't have a lock on his gate and the alley has become a public bathroom. This summer I caught someone taking a duece in the neighbors alley. Who does that? I zipped tied his gate shut, so far it has worked. Problem is people will just piss on the gates if they have to go. This is why Massachusetts should allow stun guns. Non-lethal solution.