BPD releases a conflicting report re: Old Colony Ave Child Endangerment Case + Death Investigation in South Boston

BPD and BFD were called to Old Colony Ave around 11am on Saturday for a person in cardiac arrest. In addition, to a person found dead in the apartment, first responders also discovered alcohol, drugs, sex toys, and four children, ages 5 to 10, living in deplorable conditions – initially being hidden from police and fire.
BFD filed a 51A form – a form via the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families that allows one to Report of Child(ren) Alleged to be Suffering from Abuse or Neglect. The four children involved were removed from the apartment and are currently in the custody of the Department of Children and Families.
On Thursday night, the following was posted to BPD News:
Boston Police were called to 381 Old Colony Avenue in South Boston at 11:11 am on Saturday 06.17.23 to investigate a call for an unconscious person. Boston Fire and EMS were on scene assisting the individual. At 11:41am Boston EMS pronounced the person non-viable and the Medical Examiner’s Office took jurisdiction of the body. Detectives were also called to the residence to photograph the scene as part of the investigation. The adults on scene, who told officers they had called for help when they became aware their friend was not breathing, were fully cooperative with the Boston Police Officers who responded. There were four children on site who all had a parent present in the residence. The parents and the officers who responded felt it was best for the children to stay in another room with one of the parents and took steps to avoid having the children see the deceased. Due to the nature of the call, and to ensure appropriate follow up with the families involved, officers did file a 51A with DCF. Information that drugs and other concerning materials were strewn about the home is not supported by what officers encountered or by the information received on scene. This is an ongoing investigation.
Well, this seems to be the exact opposite of the BFD report, which you can read the full report here via the Herald.
The Boston Globe also reported on the incident and the new report by the Boston Police. According to the Globe, the victim who died from cardiac arrest was a woman – a 28-year-old female that did not live in the apartment. BFD reported the person as being male.
It also states there were two reports filed by the police. The initial report did not mention children at the scene at all. On Sunday, police then created a supplemental report and filed a 51A, a report of possible abuse or neglect, with the DCF “regarding conditions in the home.”
Did BPD make a new report and then file a 51A because the BFD already filed a 51A on Saturday?
Bottom line, if a 51A was filed, the children were in some kind of danger involving abuse or neglect. The four children involved in this situation were taken into the custody of the Department of Children and Families.
This is still an active investigation, and we suspect more details will become available via statements and reports.

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
“Bottom line, if a 51A was filed, the children were in some kind of danger involving abuse or neglect.”
Maybe before asserting something like this, you should have more to support it. Especially when that’s how you are rounding out an article in which you explain how the last report you made on the topic was based on suspect info.
The children were taken into the custody of the Department of Children and Families. Is that proof enough that abuse or neglect was going on?
…or do you just play one on TV…?
Is this the part where you start railing, ranting and raving about poor, marginalized, misunderstood “people”(?) who, in your self-important estimation, can’t (for some reason) speak for themselves? Get over yourself. The only concern here is for the children.
….Page one if the Marxist manifesto. Your imperial leader is pitting the Firefighters against the Cops in order to deflect from the fact that these poor kids…ugh..I don’t even want to speculate.
She’s pure evil. Wake up, Boston.
P-U-R-E. E-V-I-L.
If the adults in the room were cis gender white males, this wouldn’t be getting so much attention. Hate has no home here.