BPD called to Boston Latin Academy for a stabbing + a brawl in the hallways caught on video

Live Boston 617 is reporting that BPD was called to Boston Latin Academy on Monday morning for a stabbing. A video was also obtained by the LB617 Team that shows a brawl in the hallways of the  Townsend Street BPS school.  Warning – the video is graphic and disturbing.

From “someone in the know” – a student was in fact slashed on the hand with a pair of scissors and suffered non-life-threatening injuries – no confirmation yet whether this recorded fight in the hallway is related or if they are separate incidents.

This news comes less than a week since Boston Public Schools district leaders were presented with some school safety recommendations as part of a report by the Council of Great City Schools including:’

  • Consideration of BPS forming an internal, sworn police department
  • Designing a process for Boston Police and BPS to share information
  • Speeding up the recruitment of hiring safety specialists
  • Creating an anonymous reporting hotline

Boston Latin Academy Responds:

City Councilors Erin Murphy, Ed Flynn, Frank Baker and Michael Flaherty respond:


  1. Matt Knight January 24, 2023 at 7:44 am - Reply

    Rather play politics than keep students alive

  2. john coleman February 2, 2023 at 5:18 pm - Reply

    once again the school dept. fixed something that wasn’t broken by abolishing their police dept.
    For over 40 years they did their jobs in a professional capable manner only to be treated like yesterday’s trash.
    All they had to do was allocate the funding needed to properly train them. Maybe all those teachers who signed a petition to remove them are having second thoughts now. You can’t teach if there’s chaos

  3. Unknown June 10, 2023 at 8:35 am - Reply

    I thought black was the “best school”… yeah I’m not teaching my child there I’d rather go to the king school because at least no one even pulls out a weapon in a fight and fights barely happen there

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