Bottoms up! BYOB coming to the neighborhood

0.9 min readBy Published On: January 19th, 2017Categories: News3 Comments on Bottoms up! BYOB coming to the neighborhood

On Wednesday, Boston’s Licensing Board approved new rules for BYOB (bring-your-own-bottle) permits for many neighborhoods in the City of Boston – including parts of South Boston.  Woohoo!  So what does that mean?  Well, it means that you’ll be able to bring your own beer and wine into smaller restaurants  (30 or less seats) with table service.   Sorry, no  booze.  You will be able to BYOB from between the hours of 5pm-11pm.   The new BYOB licenses will be issued in the spring.

Last year, the Boston City Council unanimously voted to lift the ban on “bring your own bottle” at dine-in establishments without liquor licenses.  This new ordinance, was spearheaded by City Councilor At-Large Michelle Wu.  The hopes from this new type of license is that it will help the smaller mom and pop restaurants generate new business by offering BYOB as an option for dining.  It will be restricted to outlying neighborhoods like Hyde Park, Roxbury, Dorchester and Southie (not including the Seaport District).

What’s next?  Happy Hour?  We can only hope! 


  1. Susan Comish January 20, 2017 at 1:16 am - Reply

    Where can I get the Southie wine glasses?

    • Maureen Dahill January 20, 2017 at 1:31 pm - Reply

      We will be doing another wine glass pop up the beginning of March!

  2. dan January 27, 2017 at 7:59 pm - Reply

    Not a lot of restaurants in southie that are under 30 seats.

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