Bizarre crime

0.9 min readBy Published On: November 20th, 2013Categories: News1 Comment on Bizarre crime

in Southie

South Boston is no stranger to crime – this year alone has been loaded with some majorly violent crimes.  We’re pretty sure many crimes go unreported in local papers and media websites – some of these crime we’ll bet are maybe even a little crazy.  This is one of those cases.

On, Monday, November 18th, a resident at 795 East Third Street returned home to find a brand new half gallon bottle of rum – all but empty.   In the bathroom in the toilet, vomit.  Apparently, someone decided to have a rum fit and consumed almost an entire half gallon of rum.  After throwing up, they left and grabbed another bottle of liquor for the road. Nothing else was missing.

According to the BPD, the victims has a hunch on who this boozy thief might be.  We suspect he’s the guy with the huge hangover or maybe a pirate. 

Hmmmm….so you heard it here first, lock your doors and lock your liquor cabinets. 


One Comment

  1. Correction ?? November 21, 2013 at 2:06 am

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