7 Day Parking Pilot Program Meeting
So the seven day parking program is going to become a reality – well, for a 90-day test period in the City Point neighborhood. Council President Bill Linehan, At-Large Councilor Michael Flaherty and Rep. Nick Collins will be hosting a meeting on Wednesday, July 23rd at 6:30 pm at the Tynan School (650 East Fourth) cafeteria to discuss pilot program. Boston Transportation Department officials will be on hand to answer questions.
We all know that parking in Southie is in crisis mode. Basically, there are more cars than spots which leads to frustrated parkers searching for spots. We’re not sure if a seven day parking program will fix the situation or not. But we guess it’s worth a try. The pilot program will be used to identify any issues and concerns that may arise and for planning of further expansion of the program throughout South Boston.
Additional measures are being explored, which include angled parking and changes and amendments to the zoning code.
So maybe relief is on the way, Southie. For now, we say – ride your bike or take the T – especially if you have a prime parking spot in front of your house. You don’t want to give that up!
Be informed. Get involved. Attend the meeting.
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Ride your bike or take the T – PERIOD! Why have a car if you are just going to leave it in that “prime parking spot in front of your house”? Parking crisis solved. It’s absurd how entitled we think we are.
Will this work? The residents of all condos/apartments built after a certain date will not be eligible to receive a resident parking sticker. Their building will be put on a list at City Hall. It will tell the BTD not to issue any new stickers to anyone in these buildings. Their parking must in the form of off street parking. Is it me or is this too simple of an idea to make sense?
Test it in Andrew Square, We had resident parking in South Boston first..
The damage is already done. I have lived in this town my entire life and have put up with all of this new construction. Now I can’t have any visitors because the city did some piss poor planning when allowing all of these skys crapers to go up? Build some garages for visitors and extra cars. This winter should be fun…..NOT!
How can you not give resident stickers to residents that live in aptartment buildings with garages or off street parking?? First of all these buildings charge their residents a monthly fee of $250.00 or more per month to use the off street parking. This fee is not included in their rent. Most cannot afford this fee and should have the right to park on the street without paying. They would also need a resident sticker for when they do their errands and need to park in other spots in their community. I can’t afford garage parking in my building and I sure as hell better be able to get a resident parking sticker to park on the streets anywhere in South Boston. Even if some one does pay for garage parking at their building they still need a sticker to move about and park in South Boston because they still are a resident. Like I said before they need to build multi-level pay for parking garages for visitors. Then they can take the bus if need be to their South Boston destination. They could give weekend rates, etc. This is the only solution. Instead of a hotel at Broadway station they should have put a garage for visitors. Every South Boston resident should be able to get a sticker. End of story.
All my condo neighbors with garages park on street! And they take two spots with thier out of state vehicles that don’t seem to get ticketed!!
it is the citys fault when building new condos or doing over older properties it doesnt require parking for exsisting houses and with the prices so high usually there are 2-3 drivers per unit and same with condos they should enforce it so if you live in a condo and have parking you need to park in the lot and if you have a driveway you should park in it there are houses with 2 car garage at m and 8th you park in driveway they will have you towed but there are 2-3 cars in the house use the garage and the 2 driveway spots if people were more considerate there would be more parking spots but if you cant park near a driveway or a bus stop or handicap spot how many spaces are left i have family there so i guess if they change to 7 day means i can not visit anymore
What provision has been made so that those of us who care for elders in their own homes can park? What about the Visiting Nurses ect. My parents have lived in Southie and paid taxes all their lives. Should my mother now go into a nursing home beccause the assistence she needs to remain home independently will no longer be available? The real issue no one seems to be addressing, is why is there more building going on when there is no parking already. There needs to be some provision made for those elderly and disabled who have caregivers from outside Southie. Municiple lots would be a great start.
Why not make Broadway one lane from I to L to allow for angled parking on both sides? This would eliminate all the double parking and allow for a safe bike lane. You could have many spots reserved for 15 minute parking during the day which the abutting businesses would appreciate. If it is successful you could expand it to other parts of Broadway where it is two lanes.
I thought you could not get a resident sticker unless you have MA plates?
Well, the locals were SO against BIKE LANES at first- now they want them?????
That is a great idea!
When I was growing up in Southie, we were the only family with a car in our three-decker; and my mom only had a car for a few years. Now that same three decker is condos with multiple young professionals living in those units, each with their own car. There’s now no less than six cars where there was one. This generation of city-dwellers wants the convenience of city living, while maintaining their suburban transport and way of living. We and our neighbors mostly walked, rode buses or bicycles (yes, even then!)
My mom still lives there, and this year I had to be at her side frequently during her cancer treatment. I was often hard pressed to find a place to park when I visited or transported her. Needless to say, I had several parking tickets.
Why isn’t paid parking an option in South Boston for visitors? If there was paid parking, or even commercial parking options, perhaps there would be less pressure on residents. Perhaps the bar-hopping bus model could be adopted by entrepreneurial parking garage owners.