What’s Cooking
@ St. Peter Academy
We all have those special family recipes for delicious comfort food like mac n cheese, beet stew or Nana’s chicken soup. Well, St. Peter Academy (371 West Fourth Street) has created the perfect cookbook chockfull of amazing family recipes.
With over 200 recipes by teachers, parents, and students, there is something for everyone! Published by Morris Press Cookbooks, all advance sales have been processed and now this cookbook is available to the community – at $12 each or $10 for 10 or more.
Rumor has it some SPA parents are professional chefs so that should be worth something! The children wrote recipes on their own (adorable) and contributed artwork. A contest was held and 8 students had their artwork chosen for the publication. Students were asked to draw the best thing about St. Peter’s.
The winners: Gavin Ekman, K1, Kaleigh Flaherty, Grade 7, Daniel Mahoney, Grade 5, Molly Keenan, Grade 4, Mario Blasi, Grade 2, Noelle Haddad, Grade k1, Tess Dirstine, K2, and Dylan Picard, Grade 2.
If you are interested in ordering a cookbook, please contact St. Peter Academy at 617-268-0750 before they are all gone! All proceeds go to St. Peter Academy, a registered 501c3.
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