Welcome to the neighborhood WAREHOUSE!

There’s another option for working out in the neighborhood! See press release below about WAREHOUSE: a 20,000 square foot pop-up spinning experience located at 64 C Street! Make sure to follow them on Instagram for updates!
On Saturday, November 7th, 2020, popular Boston fitness brand, B/SPOKE will launch its most ambitious project to date. Expanding its holistic approach to wellness into South Boston, the B/SPOKE expansion project, WAREHOUSE, focuses on being both COVID-safe and inclusive for all.
The 20,000 square foot pop-up experience located at 64 C Street in South Boston will bring interactivity to a community on the rise. The space will include an enormously open and vast spinning studio which will allow for bikes to be safely socially distanced. A personal training area, interactive art, large lobby and waiting areas will also offer comforting degrees of distance during indeterminate times. The entire 20,000 square foot facility was designed specifically for one-way travel to halt the spread of COVID through two-way flow, with directional arrows displayed on most walls for easy maneuvering throughout the fitness experience.
In addition to its COVID-safe space, B/SPOKE is teaming up with amazing and diverse talent to foster an inclusive environment within the often-exclusive wellness industry. Eye-catching murals adorn most walls, outsourced by talented BIPOC artists Sagie Vangelina (@rastagrandpa), Brandalizm (@brandalizm), Reilly Inks (@reillyinks), Curtis Williams (@curtistic), Rixy Fz (@rixyfz), Raodee Rekloos (@raodee_rekloos), and Chrispness Addiks (@merkaveli_). Industry competitor and non-profit, Inner City Weightlifting, will join B/SPOKE Studios by offering personal training services, instructor workshops, and will be incorporated into the group fitness schedule in the main WAREHOUSE room. Whoop, fitness membership service and B/SPOKE community partner, will be joining the WAREHOUSE team by hosting events within the space. As a collective, the diverse voices that have helped form the WAREHOUSE pop-up experience are working together to facilitate health and fitness opportunities for people who are frequently denied access. Through community outreach, supporting its competitors, and highlighting awesome talent throughout Boston, B/SPOKE’s WAREHOUSE project is an exciting, new addition to South Boston’s development.
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