Weekend Picks
Weekend of September 7th
We love a parade! It’s the annual South Boston Youth Soccer Parade on Thursday, September 6th at 6pm. Stop by the Moakley Park Soccer Field and watch the youth of South Boston parade around the field sporting their new uniforms. Hip, hip, hooray!
Be informed. Get involved. On Thursday, September 6th cast your vote in the state primary election. Polling locations are open from 7am-8pm. For a list of the state primary candidates visit: http://www.cityofboston.gov/Images_Documents/2012%20State%20Primary%20Ca…
Hey, Southie Fashionistas, put on your best designer dress and hit the town. Fashion’s Night Out (FNO) in Boston is back for the second year and promises to be a fashioned-filled evening of events including fashion shows, food, cocktails, makeovers and shopping, lots of shopping. Over 500 stores and restaurants will be participating in the celebration which takes place on Thursday, September 6th. For more information visit:
Brunch is back at the Seapoint! Everyone loves a good Bloody Mary for brunch, and Seapoint is the place to get ’em! Their mile-high Bloody Marys are a perfect addition to their tasty brunch, which is served from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. every Sunday. Stick around for the game later, Seapoint is THE place to watch a game! Order up a pitcher of beer and enjoy $3 pizzas from 1pm-6pm throughout football season. Another bonus? Two pool tables at the ready – rack ’em up!
Social Wines (52 West Broadway) is offering weekly beer and wine tastings. On Thursday, enjoy beer tastings and on Fridays wine tastings. Both from 5:30pm-8pm. Try it – you might like it! While your there, pick up a bottle – or two! Like them on Facebook to find out the details! http://www.facebook.com/SocialWines Winner of the Best Wine/Tasting by The Boston A List – Yay Social Wines! ?
Fondue in Blue on Georges Island. Hop aboard the ferry and head to an island in the sun and listen to some free music on Saturday, September 8th at 2pm. Pack yourself a picnic (picnic blankets provided) and enjoy an afternoon of music featuring classical, jazz, and pop. This fun-filled afternoon is sponsored by the Boston Harbor Alliance. For more information go to: http://www.bostonharborislands.org/event-details?rid=1789
Have you been less than kind to your skin this sumer? Exposure to the sun, late nights out and sleeping in your make-up. Give your skin a reboot at Nurture. Aesthetician Christine Catanese will have your skin back on a healthy track with her customized facial. The buzz around town is Christine is amazing and will have your skin a glow and refreshed in no-time! Make an appointment today 617-269-0638. You’ll thank us later! See Christine’s tips on getting your skin healthy: https://caughtinsouthie.com/shop/end-summer-skin-reboot
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It was a great event. The South Boston Youth Soccer Parade is one of the great pleasur for everyone. The complete arrangement from food to enjoyment was really fantastic. I would like to congratulate to the parade organizers whoe manage all people very comfortablely and peacefully.white kitchen cabinets