Southie Youth Sports Signups!
Let’s go! Keep those kids busy and moving!
South Boston Little League
SBLL spring baseball registration is now open! You can register online here! SBLL is also looking for players and volunteer coaches!
BCYF Tynan Instructional Basketball
Co-Ed ages 5-7 – Kids will be learning the fundamentals of basketball while going through various drills and games! Each participant will be required to wear a mask. The clinic will be held on Tuesdays starting February 7th at 4:20pm -5:20pm. You can sign up here. You can also reach out to Greg in the gym.
BCYF Tynan Floor Hockey League
Co-Ed league ages 7-11. Games will be played on Fridays at 4:20pm and 5pm beginning on February 4th. A mask will be required. You can sign up online or with Greg in the gym.
South Boston Kickoff For Kids Instructional
SB Kickoff for Kids announces signups for Kids Youth Divisions. You can register here!
City Kids Soccer
Sign up your kids for spring soccer via City Kids! You can learn more here!
Boston Youth Lacrosse
You can learn more here!
Any questions re: BCYF Tynan programs you can call 617-635-5100.
Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native.
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