Seaport Entertainment Week

1.4 min readBy Published On: August 31st, 2015Categories: Arts and Entertainment, Lifestyle0 Comments on Seaport Entertainment Week

Written by Heather Foley

You can imagine my excitement when I opened an email yesterday from Del Frisco’s about a Boston Seaport Entertainment Week special?  First of all, there’s steak from Del Frisco’s, so we’re off to a great start, then a whole week devoted to entertainment in one of my favorite areas of the city, sign me up!  Now try to imagine my dismay when I went to their website and saw that “Boston Seaport Entertainment Week” consisted of three restaurants and six comedy shows at the same venue.

Now for the record, I like restaurants and I like comedy shows, I just don’t think they qualify as an “Entertainment Week,”  definitely an Entertainment Day, maybe even an Entertainment Weekend, but you have no right calling yourself a whole week.  That, my friend, is a gross exaggeration.  It’s like calling Pizza Hut an Italian restaurant, or Good Will Hunting a documentary,  or me a writer, it’s a big a leap to make.

I will give props to Boston Seaport Entertainment Week for benefitting March for Dimes, but the $5 a ticket that’s getting donated will not lead me to turn a blind eye to the bold face lie that’s being perpetrated.  Hopefully next year Boston Seaport Entertainment Week will add some entertainment in various forms and I’ll have to apologize for calling it a big fat lie, but they best not come at me with this nonsense again.  See you at Del Frisco’s for the $50 prix fix steak and potatoes.

Oh BTW, if you want to see for yourself check out the Boston Seaport Entertainment Week website by clicking  here.