Radiant Yin Workshop with Christine Dennehy

1 min readBy Published On: May 6th, 2019Categories: Lifestyle0 Comments on Radiant Yin Workshop with Christine Dennehy

Complement Your Active Workout

Radiant Yoga’s Yin workshop features a practice to strengthen the connective tissues surrounding your joints and organs by stressing them through a series of long held poses. The workshop will include a yin sequence designed for kidney and liver health. There will also be restful restorative poses to bring you to a deep state of relaxation.

Release stress

Yin is the perfect complement to an active practice whether it’s power yoga, running, cycling, weight lifting, swimming, golf etc. If you’re recovering from an injury, this practice can be beneficial to restore joint health. If you have a stressful job or lifestyle, Yin combined with restorative yoga can help to release tension in your body and reduce stress. If you want to maintain overall health, keep your joints and organs healthy and feel great, this workshop is for you. The workshop will be taught by Christine Dennehy at Radiant Yoga on Saturday, May 11th from 2pm-4pm.

About Christine

Christine has completed 500 hours of RYTT. She is a graduate of 200 hour Radiant Yoga Teacher Training and 100 hour Certified Yin and Mindfulness Training with Sarah Powers.

Date: Saturday, May 11th
Time: 2:00-4:00pm
Cost: $35.00 Pre-Register, $45.00 day of – you can register here! 



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