Move over Southie Rules

0.7 min readBy Published On: March 14th, 2013Categories: Arts and Entertainment, Lifestyle0 Comments on Move over Southie Rules

Wicked Single is coming

VHI is getting the “pahty started” with Wicked Single – a new series that focuses on young adults trying to remain “young at heart” with the big 3-0 on the horizon.  These six young singles love to whoop it up! Whether it be “Monday Fundays” and “Tuesday Boozedays, they never miss the opportunity to have a good time.  Unlike the endearing yet overly staged reality show, Southie Rules, Wicked Single is set in Boston proper but we have a feeling Southie will be making a guest appearance.

This new reality show premieres at actually the worse time ever for a premier – on Sunday, March 17th, at 11pm.  Don’t they realize all of Boston will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day and either asleep or drunk at 11pm?

Odd choice but we shall see.