Kan Jamming for a Cause
Written by Christine Fennelly
If you think back to being a teenager, I bet you’re hard pressed to find a more difficult time in your maturing years than being a teen. The akwardness, social gaffes, cliques, pimples, PUBERTY! Ugh.
Now think about being that teenager and battling cancer. Perhaps you’ve lost all your hair? You can’t attend school, sporting events or dances because you may be exposed to life threatening germs. You’re lonely and feel like you’re constantly missing out.
Well, the good people at Expect Miracles Foundation are thinking about that teen struggling through cancer treatments and isolation, and they recognize that being diagnosed with cancer as a teenager is especially difficult. So in 2005, the Expect Miracles Foundation started the Expect Miracles Scholarship which is awarded annually to a student who is currently undergoing treatment, or has survived cancer.
And now you can support this great mission by simpling having fun! The Young Professionals Expect Miracles (YPEM) network will host a Kan-Jam Classic competition on THURSDAY September 17th at the Boston Athletic Club from 6 pm – 10 pm. This event aims to bring financial professionals together for an exciting evening of friendly Kan Jam competition, great networking, and lively entertainment — all for a greater purpose, to raise funds for a cure.
Corporate sponsors include Essentia, Social Boston Sports, Downeast Cider, Samuel Adams, Shipyard Brewing, and Shock Top. Grab some friends, form a team, and go Kan Jamming for a cause.
“Expect Miracles Foundation’s mission is focused on cancer patients by funding cures and providing care. The proceeds from the Expect Miracles Kan Jam Classic will benefit cancer research and the Expect Miracles Scholarship—making this event a great expression of our mission.” – Frank Heavey, Executive Director, Expect Miracles Foundation
See more event information here:
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Really excited for this event. Sounds like a great time for an even better cause.