Got Art? August 2013

2 min readBy Published On: July 31st, 2013Categories: Arts and Entertainment, Lifestyle0 Comments on Got Art? August 2013

Part One

02127 Round Up- All Free and Open to the Public!

Save the Date! August 28th Beacon to the Dream free evening participatory event @ Castle Island and Pleasure Bay in South Boston

Medicine Wheel Productions invites the public to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech by encircling the beacon on Castle Island at Pleasure Bay with their signature Medicine Wheel Productions parchment and pine lanterns. MWP anticipates that to go this distance will take thousands of lanterns and will necessarily be a result of an effort made by that many or more Boston residents in honoring King’s legacy of inclusion. The event,  “Beacon to the Dream,” will also be an invitation for artists from all over Boston to become part of an evening long program.

To find out how to make your own lantern and more info about the event:

Reminder that the opening reception is Friday August 2nd 7 to 9pm for SLUMMER CAMP @ The Distillery
516 E 2nd Street, South Boston 02127

Slummer Camp is a collaborative adventure in painting and sculpture which will showcase KDONZ’s gross creativity, MRNVR’s bright fantasy-based illustration and Adam O’Day’s high energy backgrounds.

This summer in the Distillery Gallery, three artists used the gallery as studio from Monday, July 8th – Wednesday, July 31st. The artists plan to come up with three large collaborative pieces that will be on view–along with smaller paintings, drawings, and sculptures by each artist–starting Friday August 2nd.

More info:

August 8th Reception (6 to 10pm) for a new show @ Thomas Young Studio!

Thomas Young Studio
469 West Broadway 3rd Floor
South Boston, MA 02127
Gallery Hours Sats 12 to 4pm & by Appointment

Opening Reception:
Thursday, August 8th, 2013, 6:00 to 10:00PM
Closing Reception:
Saturday, August 31st, 2013, 6:00 to 10:00PM


Two exhibitions not to be missed in 02127 are up and running til the end of August:  Guy Yanai- Lived &  Laughed & Loved & Left at LaMontange and at Medicine Wheel’s Spoke Gallery the Annual 02127/02210 show of work by artists from both zip codes of South Boston.

More info on those shows:

Kathleen Bitetti is a practicing visual artist, a curator/art administrator and a public policy and advocacy expert based in South Boston.