Got Art?

3.4 min readBy Published On: August 3rd, 2012Categories: Arts and Entertainment, Lifestyle0 Comments on Got Art?

Who ever said August is a slow month?

Written by Kathy Bitetti

August Thursday nights are filled with FREE great events:

Thursday nights at the ICA are free year round!  Go visit the current exhibitions and take time to enjoy the ICA’s  free summer Harborwalk Sound music series also on Thursday nights :

Not to be missed  is a free event  on August 16th at 7pm:  “Meet some of the documentary filmmakers who call South Boston their home town.”  A program at Medicine Wheel’s home on 110 K Street and the event is in conjunction with MW’s  02127/02210 exhibit. The four filmmakers who will be presenting that evening in alphabetical order: Lynn d’Angona, Padriac Farma, Rocco Giuliano, and Tracy Heather Strain
More info

Every Friday night in August there is a FREE cultural event occurring in South Boston’s 02127 zip code:

Medicine Wheel Productions is hosting a series of free all ages outdoor cultural happening art events this summer for its “Taking Back the Hill” program. The event are every Friday night from 6pm to midnight at No Man’s Land (between South Boston High School and Dorchester Heights- 95 G Street)

More info:

Of note is the August 17th event honoring our local leaders/community!

Friday, August 10: Dance it! Join in with Kairos Dance Company, Peggy Wood School of Irish Dance, the Cushing House as we get our groove on at the hill.

Friday, August 17: You’re It!  (see above)

Friday, August 24: Shout it! Come ready to sing, dance, and enjoy the musical talents of local gospel singers.

Friday, August 31: Watch it! We’re hosting a movie night at the hill. Bring your popcorn bowls and lawn chairs for this fun close to the summer.

Fort Point 02210 is hoping as well in August at Studio Soto- 10 Channel Center Street:

“The Mobius Artists Group proudly presents Strange Attractor: Experiments in a quinary landscape and other fields, a dynamic, multi-dimensional series of collaborative ventures between five artists from Ireland using improvisational sound and experiments with technology and combined media. In collaboration with members of the Mobius Artists Group and guest artists, the project explores sound-based, cross-disciplinary relationships to create non-verbal communication and creative possibilities resulting in an experience that offers multiple points of entry for the audience.”

Five Special Guest Artists from Ireland:

Danny McCarthy
Mick O’Shea
Irene Murphy
Anthony Kelly
David Stalling
More info:

Listing of the StudioSoto events:

– Wednesday, August 8th – Strange Attractor concert with Anthony Kelly, Danny McCarthy, Irene Murphy, Mick O’Shea, David Stalling, and Jed Speare and Jane Wang of Mobius Artists Group, 8pm
– Friday, August 10th – Strange Attractor reception, 6 – 8pm; concert with Anthony Kelly, Danny McCarthy, Irene Murphy, Mick O’Shea, David Stalling, and Mobius Quartet (James Coleman, Derek Hoffend, Tom Plsek, Jed Speare) 8pm
– Saturday, August 11th – panel discussion with Anthony Kelly, Danny McCarthy, Irene Murphy, Mick O’Shea, David Stalling and members of the Mobius Artists Group, 4pm;
 concert with Anthony Kelly, Danny McCarthy, Irene Murphy, Mick O’Shea, David Stalling, with Max Lord, Sara June, Liz Roncka, EL Putnam of the Mobius Artists Group, 8pm
– Wednesday, August 15th – Strange Attractor concert with Anthony Kelly, Danny McCarthy, Irene Murphy, Mick O’Shea, David Stalling, Jed Speare and guest artists The New England Forum for Acoustic Ecology (Mike Bullock, Shawn Greenlee, Ernst Karel, Stephan Moore, Ernst Karel, Jed Speare 8pm
– Thursday, August 16th – reception, 6pm; Strange Attractor concert with Anthony Kelly, Danny McCarthy, Irene Murphy, Mick O’Shea, David Stalling, with guest artists Sven Anderson and Ed Osborn.

Kathleen Bitetti is a practicing visual artist, a curator/art administrator and a public policy and advocacy expert based in South Boston.

To learn more about Kathy visit: