Give the Gift of Art
Buy art from local galleries and from local artists as gifts for the Holidays!
Written by Kathleen Bitetti
Two of Boston area art schools have great annual sales this time of year (and they are located close to each other in the Fenway):
MassArt Holiday Sale
Dec 5 -10th
The annual MassArt Holiday Sale is the perfect opportunity to purchase handmade, quality artwork from students and alumni. It is open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily in the Tower Building lobby.
The Museum School Art Sale
Dec 8- 11
10 am-8 pm daily
Opening reception: December 8, 5-8 pm
Now in its 31st year, the Museum School Art Sale is featuring more than 4,000 works of art in all media. It is an annual destination for art collectors and enthusiasts alike to discover works from their newest students to their most acclaimed alumni.
More info:
South Boston Holiday Stroll Pop Up Art Store!!!
Dec 9th – 4 to 8pm
Artists for Humanity for the Love of Art Holiday Sale
Monday, December 12th 4pm to 7pm
100 West 2nd Street, 02127
Buy in Art made by youth from two South Boston arts organizations!
All proceeds benefit two South Boston Arts organizations that work with youth and the community: Artists for Humanity and Medicine Wheel Productions!
The sale will feature work from teen artists from AFA as well as work by the youth of Medicine Wheel Productions. Shop for hand made gifts – for paintings, photographs, cards, t-shirts, hoodies, wall decals, newsprint wreaths and more.
On site art making for children, holiday refreshments, and a cookie decorating station (courtesy of Cow& Crumb)
Other places to buy contemporary art in South Boston:
Check out these four contemporary art galleries in South Boston that are within walking distance of each other:
The Norman Crump Gallery is next to Flood Square Hardware on 628 East Broadway (Call for Hrs.) ( There are three on East Second Street: the LaMontange Gallery, 555 East Second Street (Hrs. Wed- Sat 11-6) (; the Distillery Gallery (Hrs. M-Sat 11am-4pm) (; and the Proof Gallery, 2nd Floor of The Distillery, 516 East Second St. (Hrs. Th-Sat 12-5pm) ( Besides having regular shows, the Proof Gallery has a flat file that has affordable works on paper ranging from artists books, prints, paintings on paper, to photography (price range $20-600).
In Fort Point/South Boston: There is also a FPAC shop: Shop fpac- Made in Fort Point located at 12 Farnsworth Street, Boston MA 02210 617-423-1100 (Hrs. M-F 11am -6pm & Sat 11am -4pm)
Other affordable place to buy contemporary art – all in the South End:
The Boston Drawing Project at Carol and Sons is a good place to start to find a wide range of works on paper ( Artists’ co-op galleries are also great places to visit. They are run by the artists who show there and there are several located in the South End: Bromfield Gallery (, Kingston Gallery (, and the Boston Sculptor’s Gallery ( All of which have holiday sales occurring!!
Happy Shopping!