363: The Road to the Southie 3-on-3

1 min readBy Published On: January 20th, 2016Categories: Arts and Entertainment, Lifestyle0 Comments on 363: The Road to the Southie 3-on-3

Band from youtube

Whatever you do, don’t piss off Danny Picard.  The local Southie sports podcaster and former CIS Character of the Month found out this week that youtube removed his wildy popular documentary “363: The Road to the Southie 3-on-3″ due to a snippet of song owned by Red Bull Records.  And to say he’s unhappy about it is an understatement.  You can listen to his podcast where he rants and raves about this situation: http://dannypicard.com/podcasts/fighting-words-11916/

“363: The Road to the Southie-3-on-3” is the portrayal of one player’s preparation during the 363 days leading up to the annual Southie 3-on-3 street hockey tournament.  NHL players Boston Bruins forward Jimmy Hayes and New York Rangers defenseman Keith Yandle made appearances in addition to local Southie legends like Sean Regan, Michael Owens, Geno Binda, Pat Sweeney, Ronnie Holmes to name a few.  

You can see the official trailer here:


To learn more about our character of the month visit: https://caughtinsouthie.com/people/characterofmonth/hey-southie-sports-fans

Go get ’em, Danny!  If you’d like to support Danny – Tweet at @DannyPicard and ask @RedBullRecords to #Free363