School of Rock!
Rock climbing camp for your adventurer
Register your kids for an adventurous day camp right here in Southie. Rock Spot Climbing is offering week-long indoor day camps and half day camps backed with climbing, activities and lots of fun! This camp is offered to kids ages 6 and older and will open to all ability levels. The camp schedule begins on Monday, June 22nd through August. Full day camp hours are 9am to 4pm and half days are 9am to 1pm. Cost is $315 per week.
Rock Spot Climbing also offers NE Explorers outdoor camp ($405 per week). Climbers will have an opportunity to venture out into the great outdoors and climb some real rock! In addition to climbing in a variety of different surfaces climbers will have the opportunity to work on learning to belay and tie climbing knots. Climbers will see firsthand how to set up outdoor anchors and will learn about all the safety precautions that accompany climbing outdoors. Activities include include top roping, bouldering, setting up top rope anchors, rappelling, and slacklining. In addition, campers may have the opportunity to hike, swim, cave, geocache, enjoy field games, and play team building games. Rainy day activities may include : indoor climbing at one of our many locations, bowling, Skyzone, hiking and more.
For more information or to reserve a spot visit:
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