Nutritious Navigation’s top 10 tips for a healthy and fun summer!


Here are some helpful tips from our friends at Nutritious Navigation! 



  1. Try a new recipe to enjoy with friends and make it healthy.  Build your confidence as a cook and entertainer.  Kabobs? Farmers’ Market inspired? Channel your inner Ina Garten!  
  2. Change up the exercise routine.  Take advantage of some of the great fitness studios and exercise opportunities in Southie.  Skip the bus ride home once a week and stroll home instead.  This nice weather won’t last forever!   
  3. Check in with yourself lately?  Getting in enough sleep? Setting aside time for de-stressing?  We’re only human and busy weekends followed by stressful weekdays can run the body down.  Don’t overbook yourself.  It’s a whole lot easier to stay focused on your health with a fresh mind and body.  
  4. Don’t slack on meal prep!  Sometimes those jam-packed weekends away can lead to less time for grocery shopping or meal prep.  Protecting “meal planning” time can avoid a week of potential unhealthy takeout meal choices.  Stock up on 
  5. Find yourself with more impromptu meet-ups after work or on weekends?  Try to split meals with friends (my sister and I love splitting a salad and a burger); start the meal with a seltzer water and lime and go in on the next round of drinks with friends; say no to fries THIS time and order a side salad instead.  These little changes and substitutions add up.  
  6. To juice or not to juice? Juicing is one way to get in nutrients from fruits and vegetables, but it shouldn’t be the only way.  Don’t forget about whole forms of fruits and veggies.  Juices can sometimes be deceivingly high in calories so make sure you know what you’re drinking!  
  7. Explore this fabulous city of ours!  Ever walk from Southie to the North End? When was the last time you ventured around Cambridge?  Pack a snack and water and make a plan to travel on foot for the day.  
  8. Watch those portions.  Ever catch yourself eating out of the bag of chips or overdoing it on the hummus? Avoid eating directly out of bags or containers and try to pre-portion ahead of time.  This could save you a lot of
  9. Attempt to grow an herb garden or start growing your own vegetables.  While you might not have a bountiful backyard space, it doesn’t take much to begin this rewarding activity.  Have a roofdeck or balcony space?  You’ll be enjoying a homemade Caprese salad in no time!    
  10. Hydrate! Hydrate!  With summer comes hot and humid days.  You may need to drink more than your usual intake to avoid dehydration.  Staying hydrated keeps our bodies in check!  Try to avoid sugar-based drinks and choose water or flavored waters without calories.  

Don’t forget about your friendly Dietitians at Nutritious Navigation who are happy to meet with you to discuss more ways to stay healthy through the summer!  Check us out at 

One Comment

  1. basit June 16, 2015 at 1:43 pm

    good blog

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