New Year: New Me!

2.5 min readBy Published On: February 10th, 2016Categories: Health and Wellness, Lifestyle0 Comments on New Year: New Me!

New Year new me!  If you’re anything like me every year you tell yourself you’re going to pull it together. You’re going to take better care of yourself, you’re going to open that 401K, you’re going to read more, you’re going to start your Christmas shopping in May, you’re going to take those pants that are too long to the tailor.  Then February rolls around and you’re hungover from the Super Bowl (or The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) and wearing pants that don’t quite fit.  I get it, I get you, we are the same, you are my people.  I decided that this year instead of sweeping life overhauls I’m just going to upgrade.  Do the stuff I know I need to do and will eventually do anyway, just do them before they’re urgent and about to spend my life spiraling out of control.  I know, I know, I have very lofty ambitions and I invite you to join me.

First up, the dentist (dun, dun, dun).  I know the dentist doesn’t crack anyone’s top ten list of things they’re looking forward to, but we all know we have to do it.  I tend to wait till my tooth hurts so bad my eyes water just thinking about steak or a cold drink, then when I finally get to the dentist I lie and say I floss every day and never drink foods that stain my teeth and the dentist says “yeah ok” and scrapes the red wine stains off my front teeth and plucks a hunk of red meat from between my molars.  I am sure you have all had a similar experience.  Well for 2016 I have a novel idea, I’m going to go to the dentist before I’m in such pain that I google “home tooth extraction”, I’m going to go to the dentist before I have a toothache at all!

Are you inspired to be proactive about your dental health?  Excellent!  And while I’m inspiring you, I’d like to inspire you to check out CitiDental.  Half the difficulty of getting to the dentist is, well, getting to the dentist.  Meaning it’s hard for most of us to get into the chair during most dentist office hours.  CitiDental has early and late hours (like before and after work) and is open on Saturdays as well, so there goes your excuse of “I can’t get out of work to get my teeth cleaned”).  As an added incentive to get your butt in the dentist chair, CitiDental is offering a free customized teeth whitening kit to new Caught In Southie patients!  Oh and if that’s not enough they have an office dog named Mustard, Mustard!  Check out their website for more info on Invisalign, CEREC one-day crowns, veneers, Zoom! Teeth Whitening, root canal therapy, dental implants, composite bonding, and more by clicking HERE

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