It’s National Nutrition Month

1.7 min readBy Published On: March 9th, 2015Categories: Health and Wellness, Lifestyle0 Comments on It’s National Nutrition Month

Some helpful and inspiring information and tips from our friends at Nutritional Navigation!

March is the month that is honored by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics as National Nutrition Month.  This year’s theme is, “Bite Into a Healthy Lifestyle.”

So what does a healthy lifestyle mean to you?  What are you already doing that it important for you to maintain?  What could be improved?  Only you can think about these questions but it’s important to take the time to investigate.  This message takes the burden off of rigid, unrealistic expectations we can sometimes expect of ourselves. Instead, try to focus on one small goal at a time.  


  • Drinking more water, less sweetened drinks
  • Cutting back on alcohol
  • Increasing activity
  • Being less sedentary
  • Increasing vegetable intake

The dietitians at Nutritious Navigation are happy and willing to work with you in identifying and tracking habits that are important to you.  We will give you the proper guidance, encouragement, and tailored advice to ensure your habits are supporting the healthiest you!  

Here are some tips that may help:

  1. When out to eat, split your order and eat slowly.  You may find you can feel satisfied off of less food when your meal lasts closer to 30 minutes.  Enjoy the remainder for another meal!
  2. Think about your food choices for the entire day. If you’re planning a special restaurant meal in the evening, have a light breakfast and lunch.
  3. Try crunchy vegetables (peppers, celery, carrots) instead of chips with your favorite low-fat dressing or hummus.  
  4. Stock your freezer with frozen vegetables to steam or stir-fry for a quick side dish when you don’t have a lot of time to cook on weeknights.  
  5. Plan what you’re going to eat.  Before you to grocery shopping, plan your meals, review recipes, and make a list.  This way, you may be less likely to buy extra items that you don’t need.  

Check out our website ( to learn more about working with us.  
