Caught in Southie Challenge
Did you know the most common New Year’s resolution is to lose weight? Of course you do, you probably make it every year! Well, this year you have Caught In Southie and some of the fittest people in Southie here to help! We’ll have motivation, nutrition,and fitness tips, Instagram health and fitness prompts, and recipes, as well as some chances to workout for FREE at some local gyms and studios.
Make sure you follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat so you don’t miss any of the fun. Follow #CISChallenge and make sure to tag us in your posts too!
Also on the horizon – the New Year New You Guide on CIS! We’ll help you keep on the right track! Our New Year New You Guide will offer advice, tips, blogs, workouts, trends, fresh new ideas, and more to make sure this year starts off on the right foot and continues down a steady path! Be on the lookout for it!
Giant Pink Naked Guys Invade Downtown Boston: Winteractive Strikes Again!
Slip, sliding away: Harpoon Brewery’s Slopeside Snow Tubing Slide
Christmas Mass in Southie