Meet the Candidates: Mayor of Southie

2.6 min readBy Published On: December 27th, 2018Categories: Features9 Comments on Meet the Candidates: Mayor of Southie

At this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade, one special resident who raises the most money will become the Mayor of Southie: marching in a prominent spot in the parade with five friends along with a sash announcing their honorary title! The South Boston Allied War Veterans’ Council announced that the competition is back after several years’ absence, and all funds raised go in support of the 2019 local parade. Below, here’s a bit more about the four candidates currently in the running.

Jenn Menjin
Age: 30
Years lived in Southie: 30
Job/Profession: Service Desk Dispatcher for IT company in Southie
Why I’m participating: I have wanted to do this ever since I was 13 years old. My family was very close with Gail Petrie, and when she ran in the 90s, I said, that’s what I’m going to do when I’m old enough. Unfortunately they took it away when I was in high school. Now it’s my chance.
Why I’m the best candidate: Because I’m already the Mayor of Southie according to everyone I know, and it’s what my friends refer to me as.

Jimmy Donnelly
Age: 40
Years lived in Southie: 40
Job/Profession: City of Boston Garage Attendant
Why I’m participating: I wanted to do it years ago but then it stopped. I want to get my name out there in case I run for office. I’m a big fan of the parade and I think it’s going to be great this year.
Why I’m the best candidate: I’m a very likable person.

Haley Dillon
Age: 24
Years lived in Southie: 24
Job/Profession: Assistant Manager at Sherwin Williams in Newton
Why I’m participating: Being born and raised in Southie has been such an honor; it’s a place that I am more than proud to call home. My community is so special. I have seen us do wonderful things when we all come together. The Mayor of Southie represents one of my most treasured pastimes—the parade, and more importantly the SBAWVC who run the parade. I’m beyond thankful for all veterans and everything they have done for us. I would love to take this opportunity to raise money for such a great event and group of people.
Why I’m the best candidate: I think i’m the best candidate because of my outgoing personality. I love meeting new people!

Bobby “Shoes” Diggins
Age: 57
Years lived in Southie: Over 30
Job/Profession: Public Safety Officer at Mass Convention Center
Why I’m participating: I have great enthusiasm in my heart for the veterans—my father was a marine and have great respect for gold star mothers—and want to make the Southie parade great again.
Why I’m the best candidate: I love South Boston as a community and believe that loyalty is next to godliness.

If you would still like to register as a candidate, visit here!  You have until December 31st!


  1. Jean December 27, 2018 at 4:09 pm - Reply

    Question for the candidates; which one if you will work in getting our beloved parade back to it’s original route. That is the candidate I will back.
    Thank you.

    • JENN MENJIN December 28, 2018 at 1:38 pm - Reply

      Hi Jean,

      At the first meeting, the members of the Allied War Vets Council told us that the parade is starting at Broadway Station and ending at Dorchester St & Old Colony Ave. They did shorten it from Andrew Station but only because of safety issues stemming from previous years.

      The ONLY thing that will make it be straight Broadway is if we have massive snow storms.

      I hope that alleviates your concerns.


      P.S – I am one of the canidates :)

  2. Paul December 28, 2018 at 1:08 pm - Reply

    Yes let’s get it back to before it ever started. You obviously don’t live on the parade route or real close. It’s wonderful to have people puking, pissing , shitting and throwing trash in your yard all day.

    • Susan December 28, 2018 at 3:44 pm - Reply

      Ouch. , I know it is awful not a family friendly parade any more

      • Paul Long December 29, 2018 at 5:35 am - Reply

        I just hate the fact that out of towners come here and treat our city like a garbage dump.

  3. Archie December 31, 2018 at 12:24 pm - Reply

    Plenty of in towners treat our city like a garbage dump as well

  4. Oldtimesouthie January 1, 2019 at 11:36 am - Reply

    They shoul have a FAMILY ONLY section ( on broadway between M STREET and FARRAGUTT ROAD).no druken IDIOTS allowed beyond this point..

  5. Paul Adams January 2, 2019 at 11:08 am - Reply

    I wish there was more emphasis on Peace opposed to glorifying War.

    Paul J. Adams

    • Eleanor January 2, 2019 at 12:54 pm - Reply

      I think its a matter of perspective. The purpose of a strong military is to keep the peace. They don’t write about the wars that never happened due to a strong military.

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