Look Who Survived Thanksgiving

2.5 min readBy Published On: December 2nd, 2020Categories: Features0 Comments on Look Who Survived Thanksgiving

Do they need hats and coats now?

The Southie Turkeys spotted on Wednesday morning in front of Joseph’s Bakery no doubt getting their daily coffee.

We’re sure you’ve seen the lovable scamps strutting around town, perched on a car, or terrorizing the neighborhood children.  Well, it looks like they survived Thanksgiving!  So where to they go in the winter?  Do they go south? Hibernate? 

Well, we learned from the Farmhouse Guide, that turkeys are not migratory birds and they need to adapt to the winter so they stick around. They had better watch their backs with this character hanging around. 

How do they stay warm during the winter?

Fat! During spring, summer and fall, they build up a supply of fat to keep them warm during the winter (don’t we all).  Turkeys don’t love the snow so they will roost (go up in a tree) out of the snow whenever possible.

Turkey Precautions

Never approach a turkey. They can get mean and sometime attack humans.   This means you should take some precautions.

According to the Boston Globe, the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife released some helpful tips if you come face-to-face with these – sometimes mean and aggressive – birds. No one wants a beef with a turkey, right?

Turkeys can act aggressively by pecking, following, or exhibiting other intimidating behavior towards people. More often than not, it’s the male (eye roll) that attempt to attach or dominate by puffing out their feathers or gobbling loudly.

What to do if you come face-to-face with a pissed off turkey

If you are being threatened by a turkey, it’s advised that you use a broom or a hose to scare them off. We’re thinking that might provoke them, but okay give it a whirl. Don’t have a broom or hose handy?  Just act loud and big.   Turkeys tend to dominate people they find as subordinate.

If you have a problem with turkey street toughs hanging around your property, it’s recommended that you try balloons, pinwheels, or Wacky Wavy Inflatable Tube Man. Evidently turkeys hate a celebration and will steer clear.  Actually, it’s because they are afraid of things that are moving around.

Don’t feed the birds

And what every you do, never, ever feed the turkeys. The globe article reports that giving turkeys food can lead to aggressive and or bold behavior. “once that is established in the birds, “it can be very difficult to change.” You certainly don’t want turkeys waiting around on your stoop look to be feed and then when you don’t have any food a physical altercation occurs.  Just don’t feed them.  That goes for seagulls too. 

Bottom line, treat turkeys the same way we treat a pack a teenagers, just cross the street and avoid eye contact.

You can see the full list of helpful turkey tips here.

You can also listen to our latest episode of Caught Up where we talk Turkey Erotica.


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