A Hurricane Sandy Time
One of Southie’s beloved bartenders and barristers, Shane Perkins (of Java House and Seapoint fame), is pitching in and throwing a good-old fashioned Southie time to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy! This Saturday, November 17th, from 7pm to Midnight, stop by the Seapoint Restaurant (367 East Eighth Street) and make a donation and stay for some fun. There will be a DJ, dancing, raffles, and a cash bar. $20 at the door.
And if that weren’t enough, Shane is also collecting items, renting a UHaul and heading to New Jersey to help out with the clean-up. You are the BEST Shane!
Here is a list of suggestions for donations:
- contractor/demo bags
- work gloves
- surgical masks
- hammers
- nails
- crow bars
- screw drivers
- brooms
- shovels
- mops
- flashlights
- batteries
- chain saws
- generators
- medical/first aid supplies
- long extension cords
- tarps
- cases of water
- clothing
- blankets
- toiletries
- Gas cards
- Home depot gift certificates