Good Neighbors

1.1 min readBy Published On: July 26th, 2013Categories: Features0 Comments on Good Neighbors

Free ride in Southie

In response to the recent murder of South Boston resident, Amy Lord and two other attacks on women in South Boston, two transportation services are offering up free rides to as a gesture of community and being a good neighbor. 

Pingup, a Southie-based app that calls cabs, reserves tables and makes appointments, is giving residents a free ride this weekend in South Boston.  The offer is good beginning Friday at 5pm through Monday at 8am. To redeem a ride, people must show a specific “Pingup Pup” image to the taxi driver upon entering the cab. You’ll be notified via Pingup when your cab has arrived so you can wait safely inside.  To download the Pingup app, visit  According to Pinup’s blog they want Southie to be safe and “this effort was inspired by our beloved Account Executive, Sean “Milky” McColgan, a life-long South Boston resident and advocate that shows us his neighborhood pride every day.”

The Southie Shuttle is offering free rides to women heading to the gym in the early morning.  To reserve a ride, please call 617-268-4110.

In addition to transportation, Ultimate Self Defense is offering free self defense classes to the women of South Boston during the month of August.  For more information visit:

Stay safe Southie!