Going to extremes

0.8 min readBy Published On: August 7th, 2013Categories: Features0 Comments on Going to extremes

Red Bull Cliff Diving

The Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series will make its fifth stop of its global tour at Southie’s Fan Pier on August 25th.

Scoop on cliff diving?

Cliff diving is the acrobatic perfection of diving into water from great heights, and the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series is the most prominent competitive platform for the sport. Divers jump from elevated positions that average the height of eight-story buildings, reaching speeds between 53 and 62 mph before impacting the water.

In its fifth season, Red Bull Cliff Diving takes its eight rounds of competitions to exotic locales spanning four continents: Europe, Asia, and South and North Americas.

In Boston, rather than natural cliffs, the divers will use the cantilever roof of the Institute of Contemporary Art building as their diving platform which soars 80 feet above the water’s edge. Yikes!

This event is free and takes place from at 2pm.  To reserve a spot visit http://redbullcliffdivingbos.eventbrite.com/

100 Northern Avenue