Girl Power!

0.6 min readBy Published On: November 14th, 2012Categories: Features1 Comment on Girl Power!

On step closer to National Champs!

The Pop Warner A Squad Cheerleaders are heading to the National Championships!  Fresh off the winners stand, the Pop Warner A Squad won their division at the the New England Regional Championship and now they need your help Southie.  With an opportunity to compete in the National Championships in Disney World the first week in December, the girls need to raise $25, 000 to help fund the costs.  So help the girls out make their dreams come true!

Kindly send your donations to:
South Boston Pop Warner
PO Box 51134
Boston MA 02205

Good luck, girls!

Save the date:

Bingo Bonanza

December 3rd at the South Boston Neighborhood House

Details to follow

One Comment

  1. Stephanie November 14, 2012 at 6:39 pm

    Congratulations to the girls!!!  Lets help make their dreams come true.

    Please donate so these girls can make their dreams reality!!!!!!

    No donation too big or small…Thanking you in advance!!!


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