Emerson Street Parking/Driving Chaos

1.5 min readBy Published On: January 31st, 2017Categories: Features2 Comments on Emerson Street Parking/Driving Chaos

Everyone has probably driven by the shit show of cars in the area of Emerson/East Fourth streets near K.  Without designated parking spots with lines to guide people parking their car, there is no sense of decorum at all.  It’s cars facing Emerson and cars facing East Fourth.  It’s cars hanging out into the middle of the street and cars parked in different directions.  It’s utter chaos.

Normally, the City of Boston’s Transportation Department (BTD) turns a blind eye to this mess.  But this week, we noticed that people who have been parked in that area have been ticketed.  Normally, no ticket.  This week, ticket.  Maybe someone called to complain or 311’d the situation.   So beware if you park there.  We’re hoping the City of Boston will paint some lines and add some parking spots.

We had a similar situation in front of the Post Office for years until is was replaced with Tar Island.  It’s way more organized than it ever was in that area but a new situation has surfaced.  People flying down Emerson between H and I streets the wrong way.  It could be because Emerson abruptly changes direction and people have to take a quick left, right and a right to get back around to Broadway.  It could be people don’t want to go all the way around and just zip down the wrong way ignoring the Do Not Enter signs. From neighbors who live in this area, we’re told that people then try and take a left onto Broadway from the wrong direction on Emerson and it causes utter chaos with the traffic flow.


Come on, people!   


  1. JW February 2, 2017 at 2:24 am - Reply

    No doubt the same entitled pukes who have absolutely no qualms about leaving 4-6 feet between the car they use about once a month and the one in front or behind them. Or think nothing of parking DIRECTLY IN THE MIDDLE of the two parking spaces between driveways. I hesitate to be more specific as I fear this would attract more arrogant, entitled little arseholes to the area (if only to bust b*lls). And don’t EVEN get me started on you spoiled little jerks who couldn’t even be bothered to turn around and actually face your vehicle in the right direction. I know for a fact that this is a “ticketable” offense yet it is absolutely rampant and goes unchecked and unenforced. Why is that? The amount of money lost thete is astronomical at $15 a pop. You KNOW they’re still going to do it because THEY KNOW that Daddy will take care of any annoying little “incidentals”. (If you couldn’t tell by now, I have a hunch that a good number of these obnoxious rents are being paid by the parents of obnoxious renters with one stipulation…that they stay wherever the hell they are.
    Lucky us.

  2. Dooty February 6, 2017 at 9:15 pm - Reply

    Arrrrrgh, get off my lawn you damn kids!!!!

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