Christmas Movie Night Mixer – Home Alone
Throw a Christmas Movie Night Mixer – How about Home Alone!
Everyone loves Home Alone, right? I know it’s one of my favorites, and it’s the source of my all time favorite holiday quote, “look what you did, you little jerk”, so let’s have a Home Alone night (insert joke about how every night is a Home Alone night for Heather Anne Margaret Foley). Anyhoo, doing a Home Alone themed night is super easy, and is probably not all that different from how you would watch it anyway, we’re just making it official.
What are we going to eat and drink? Pizza, duh. May I suggest Caught In Southie favorite Cafe Porto Bello for takeout? And make sure you get plenty of Kevin’s favorite, plain cheese. Serve Pepsi and hope your own Fuller doesn’t wet the bed. Since you’re already eating pizza and the diet is out the window, why not cap off the evening with ginormous ice cream sundaes a la Kevin watching Angels With Filthy Souls? Oh and microwave Kraft Mac & Cheese is optional, if you have a coupon give it a whirl. And if you insist on serving an adult beverage, why not go with champagne since the McCallisters were heading to France and uncle Frank probably drank like seven free bottles on the flight.
What are we going to do? Obviously you’re going to watch Home Alone, but I suggest going all out and booby trapping your house. Think how fun it will be to watch your family and/or friends burn their heads with a blowtorch or step on a nail! And since everyone loves a game, let a tarantula loose in the house and say whoever finds it wins a sweater with a big bird knitted on it, just like Kevin got from his grandparents!
Miscellaneous. I suggest including a liability waiver in your Paperless Post invite lest someone is a party pooper when it comes to getting hit in the melon with paint cans.
Well there it is guys, your super easy Home Alone party! I think it’s just good manners that if you have one you invite me because it was my idea.