Celebrate Youth

0.8 min readBy Published On: October 17th, 2011Categories: Features0 Comments on Celebrate Youth

The kids are alright

The South Boston Youth Ambassadors’ Youth Festival takes place this Saturday, November 19th from 11am-3pm at the Ironworkers Local 7 Hall (195 Old Colony Ave.).  The theme of this event is “Just Do It”.  Stop by and checkout a gallery of their artwork and get to know the programs and agencies that the youth of South Boston are involved in.  Also on hand will be many non-profit agencies displaying their services and accomplishments. 

This event is free.  So come support the youth of our community!



Teach your children well
One of the main focuses of the South Boston Youth Ambassadors is to empower Southie youth to be contributing members of society and develop strong leadership skills.  By partnering with caring adults from the community, these kids can learn how to contribute through fun, creative and positive projects around town.
?Please bring a canned food item for the Youth Ambassadors canned food drive.

Just do it!


photo from weheartittumblr