Blue Trailer

1.5 min readBy Published On: July 23rd, 2013Categories: Features1 Comment on Blue Trailer

has got it all locked up!

How many times have you participated in a road race and thought to yourself, “where am I suppose to put my stuff?”  Do you run with your keys and cell phone?  What about your money or debit card? Well, local resident and entrepreneur Molly MacDonald has got your covered.  Out of necessity – her own experience with lost or missing items while participating in races – a business was born.

Blue Trailer Mobile Lockers provides portable lockers for races and other events to give you a safe place to store your stuff!  How genius!

What will it look like:
There will be small, medium, and large metal lockers – roughly 500 – on top of a blue trailer.  “We’re focusing on reclaimed materials and we’re shooting for a look similar to an old woody,” says Molly. 

Blue Trailer’s goal will be to launch their first locker in March of 2014 at the Black Cat 10 and 20-miler in Salem, MA.  Blue Trailer will be partnering with B&S Management for this event. 

Surprise and delight:
You might just get a little surprise in your locker.  Blue Trailer will be teaming up with wellness and fitness brands and other local businesses to create “good luck” bags for each locker.  According to Molly, they’ll contain anything from a card with a promo code, a coupon or a free sample. “We also will be hiding bigger prizes like Blue Trailer t-shirts and sweatshirts too.”  Sweet!

If you would like to help Molly with her small business Blue Trailer, you can donate here at

We’ll be on the look out for Blue Trailer next year – Lord knows Southie has a ton of races!


One Comment

  1. Anonymous July 24, 2013 at 3:32 pm

    Awesome idea, good luck.

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