Anti-Bullying Workshop

0.5 min readBy Published On: March 23rd, 2013Categories: Features0 Comments on Anti-Bullying Workshop

Thursday, April 4th

This Thursday, April 4 join BPD Station 6 Community Service Officer Jack Boyle at the BCYF Tynan Community Center gymnasium as he discusses the importance of standing up to bullying and getting help. Learn about bullying, the different forms it can take, its hurtful impact, and effective strategies to prevent and stop it in your schools, neighborhood and online.

Take the Anti-Bullying Pledge! And, be a part of the millions who have already joined the fight to “Stand Strong Against Bullying”.  All ages welcome!

Let’s Win This One Together! For more information please contact BCYF Tynan Youth Worker Katie O’Connell or BCYF Curley YW Barbara Kelly.