Rooftop Restaurant to open in Southie

0.6 min readBy Published On: March 25th, 2019Categories: Eat and Drink0 Comments on Rooftop Restaurant to open in Southie

Up on the roof! New rooftop restaurant.

A new rooftop restaurant called Six West is opening in June atop the soon- to-open Cambria Hotel at 6 West Broadway in Southie.  According to Boston Eater,  Boston Nightlife Ventures — which operates Wink & Nod and Southern Kin Cookhouse will be running Six West. 

Boston Nightlife Ventures also operated recently closed Certified Meatball Company.  There is still a plan to open something new in the space at 429 West Broadway next to Lincoln. 

Cambria Hotel will feature 159 guest rooms, a lobby bar, fitness club and a roof deck.  The hotel is currently under construction and was designed by Rode Architects.

image of rendering of Six West via Cambria Hotel. 


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