Got Power? Oomf comes to Southie

0.9 min readBy Published On: February 23rd, 2016Categories: Eat and Drink2 Comments on Got Power? Oomf comes to Southie

We’ve all been victims of a low phone battery—texts go unanswered, opportunities missed, and the ultimate FOMO (fear of missing out) sets in. Enter: Oomf to the rescue!

The Oomf is a powerful, portable smart-phone charger available to rent out and return, keeping you always connected (and totally in the loop!)  Oomf charges are completely mobile—just grab one, sign in using your email or Facebook account, and get speedy on-the-go power.

The process is safe, easy, and 100% secure, with nothing but power flowing through those cords. Even better, Oomfs are available at some of our favorite Southie spots see the growing list below.  Just ask your bartender for one next time you get that dreaded “low battery” notification and keep the fun going all night long.

Stats Bar & Grille
Stephi’s in Southie
Boston Beer Garden
Sixth Gear Cask and Kitchen
L Street Tavern
Telegraph Hill
Nurture Salon and Spa
Luxury Box Barbershop
Moonshine 152
Cafe Arpeggio
Rosa Mexicano
Atlantic Beer Garden
Whiskey Priest
Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
Sleeper Street Cafe


  1. Ryan February 25, 2016 at 7:19 pm - Reply

    You should check your sources this item isn’t available at a few of these locations and I know of at least one that refused to partner with this company.

    • James February 26, 2016 at 4:25 pm - Reply

      Hi Ryan – We’re gradually rolling out this service so if it hasn’t been available just yet at the location(s) you stopped by it soon will be :) Sorry we weren’t able to serve you up some power but you can check in with us frequently on new/updated locations at or shoot us an email!

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