Brace yourself, Southie. Hooters is coming to the neighborhood!

After much anticipation, it was revealed this week that the international chain Hooters will make Perkins Square its new home.  482 West Broadway has been under construction for years and neighbors have been wondering what will go in on the ground level of commercial space in one of the busiest locations in South Boston.  Well, now we know!  The city approved the sexy’s chain’s application earlier this week.

Hooters of America, LLC is the Atlanta-based operator and franchiser of over 430 Hooters locations in 28 countries.

Hooters is currently taking applications for managers and Hooters girls.  To apply visit here!

Construction at 482 West Broadway will begin as early as next week with an opening by early fall.  We hear they have really great wings!

P.S. April Fools!  

Editor’s note – this is a recycled April Fool’s prank from 9 years ago – initially we said it was going in where the Starbucks is at L and Broadway.  We know it’s a little lazy but we figured we try it one more time!


  1. Kathy April 1, 2014 at 1:52 pm

    I was CRAZY reading this article…and then I got to the end!

    Good One!  You got me…

  2. mike April 1, 2014 at 4:51 pm

    great njust told husband now have to say April fools:)


  3. Alana April 1, 2014 at 6:37 pm

    You got me!!!!  LOL…great one!

  4. Anonymous April 2, 2014 at 3:18 am
    Almost has a heart attack. Thank god it was a joke
  5. heather s. April 7, 2014 at 6:46 pm

    I found this article online April 7th, but I suspected as much.  Glad I read to the end before I just gave up and put my house up for sale.

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