Blue Eyed Boy charity cocktail at Local 149 to benefit Colin’s Joy Project

We’ll drink to that!

Order up a Blue Eyed Boy at Local 149 and help support Colin’s Joy Project!  This organization does amazing work in the South Boston community like enhancing play spaces and funding family-focused programming.

So, make sure to order a Blue Eyed Boy next time you’re at Local 149 to help spread more of Colin’s Joy. $3 from every cocktail sold goes directly to Colin’s Joy Project!

A Blue Eyed Boy is made with vodka, muddled blueberries, watermelon puree, and lemon in a short glass over ice

About Colin’s Joy Project:

“Colin’s Joy Project began after the unexpected death of our son Colin, just before his 3rd birthday. How we missed his laughing eyes, blond curls, hilarious little voice—and the joy he brought to everyone in his path.

Though the grief we feel is insurmountable, the uprising of kindness we experienced in the wake of his death was comforting and moving. Family, friends, and complete strangers rallied together to lift up our family and we were inspired to honor his spirit by creating a legacy of JOY in his name. 

Colin’s Joy Project was created with the intent to continue to weave joy into the lives of others as Colin did.

We’ve partnered with The Boston Foundation and together our goal is to create joy for children and families in our community.  Through the enhancement of play spaces and funding of family-focused programming in the South Boston area, our hope is to see Colin’s smile reflected in their joyful faces…”

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