Help for New Moms – You are not Alone

You are Not Alone

In light of the tragedy which unfolded this week in Duxbury, we wanted to share with our community of readers and followers a special hotline (originally shared by WBZ) for moms who may be struggling.  It’s a confidential, toll-free number for new moms experiencing mental health challenges.

If you know someone who is struggling, share the hotline, reach out, and let them know you are there.

Nurture by Naps – a local South Boston business that helps guide women through pregnancy and parenting with support from registered nurses- also shared info for postpartum support – via Postpartum Support International – a nonprofit organization that helps parents with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.  The helpline number is 1-800-944-4773.

The Boston Globe also has an interesting article attempting to explain how a mother could kill her children with info about postpartum depression and mental illness that new moms can experience and you can read it here. 


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